Schenectady CROP Hunger Walk

Be a part of the movement that continues to fight against the challenges of disease, disaster, displacement, and other challenges that leave people hungry.

Last year, we raised over $31,000 to help neighbors near and far have meals today and sustainable food security for tomorrow! 

This year's CROP Hunger Walk focus area is climate change adaptation

Sunday, May 5th

Rotterdam Community Center
705 Curry Road



Registration starts at 12:00pm and the opening ceremony will begin at 1:00pm!


We will begin at approximately 1:30-2:00pm after the opening ceremony. Everyone is welcome to move at their own pace on this 3-mile walk!


The CROP Hunger Walk t-shirts will be available for pickup on April 4th from 11:00am to 2:00pm at SiCM’s Community Hub, 837 Albany St.


Recruitment material for team leaders are available for pick up! If you'd like to set up a time to pick up recruitment material, please contact Chinira at